SEQUENTYS SAS undertakes to carry a certain number of values. These form the basis of its corporate culture. They are at the same time the ethical guide of the company and the guarantee for its customers of a loyal, efficient and ethical service.
Respect for international law and reference texts:
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948;
- United Nations Global Compact (Human Rights, Labor Rights, Environmental Protection and the Fight Against Corruption);
- Law n ° 2003-340 of April 14th, 2003 relative to the repression of the activity of mercenary
Loyalty to the Client, the French Republic and its European Union partners:
- SEQUENTYS SAS does not provide services contrary to the national interests of the French Republic and its European Union partners;
- SEQUENTYS SAS guarantees the strict respect of the confidentiality of information relating to the activities of its customers or employees.
Transparency of procedures and quality of services:
- Respect and impregnation of the Customer’s corporate culture. Constant attention to the image of the Customer;
- Adequacy of the resources committed with clearly defined objectives;
- Guarantee of procedures adapted to the context, recognized and validated by the state authorities;
- Quality of the consultants made available by valuing individual skills and training;
- Standardization of procedures and enhancement of team spirit through periods of collective preparation of committed staff;
- Commitment of SEQUENTYS SAS and all its employees to respect the populations encountered during its security services;
- Strict compliance with the laws, customs and practices of the countries in which SEQUENTYS SAS operates in the discretion;
- Aim to foster the cultural diversity of the teams involved in the missions.
The SEQUENTYS staff comes from the most prestigious units whose selection criteria are particularly rigorous, each profile is chosen according to the needs and level of expertise expected. This covers not only the field of protection of persons and tangible and intangible property, but also that of the fight against terrorism.
All SEQUENTYS employees have read and approved this Code of Ethics.
SEQUENTYS is totally and loyally committed to its customers. Any information communicated by his Client or collected by him within the framework of the mission is treated according to the strictest confidentiality rules.