+33 (0)
53, Boulevard de la Reine 78000 Versailles - France

CEO’s word

Franck Soreau's editorial, Sequentys's CEO

Since its creation in 2010, SEQUENTYS, an independent French company, has focused on high-risk niches in the field of infrastructure and people safety. Among the top 10 companies in the sector, the company has developed, through multiple references, a variety of relevant solutions that help its customers to face contemporary risks. Its vision of the business, its experience of sensitive operational missions and the mastery of specific know-how have been decisive factors in the development of a complementary and strong service offering for a demanding clientele.
As a human-sized organization, SEQUENTYS runs multidisciplinary teams whose experience, expertise, loyalty and professionalism are significant assets that enable it to be recognized as a reliable, discreet actor with perfect mastery of its skills.
This value-added chain, welded by the desire to establish a true partnership, has enabled SEQUENTYS to establish a relationship of trust with its customers and lasting links with its customers. Finally, the main goal of SEQUENTYS remains to provide its customers with the best security solutions that best meet their needs. Ut et porttitor mi, at eleifend libero. Vestibulum congue mattis sapien, eu blandit lectus lobortis non. Aenean vel porttitor justo. Ut quis diam velit. Suspendisse eleifend nisi sit amet arcu vehicula, iaculis commodo enim tempus. Morbi odio tellus, pulvinar nec metus id, vehicula vehicula lorem. Mauris varius orci justo, at cursus eros suscipit eu.
Ut et porttitor mi, at eleifend libero. Vestibulum congue mattis sapien, eu blandit lectus lobortis non. Aenean vel porttitor justo. Ut quis diam velit.